Sunday, January 3, 2010

No-Snow Man

Happy New Year! It's off to a delightfully relaxing start. Wanna know a secret? We didn't shower today, didn't even get out of our pajamas. Slept until we naturally woke up and guiltlessly wasted 5 hours playing Super Mario Brothers on the Wii. Now *that's* what vacation is all about.
Last night we babysat our friends' 5 month old for about 6 hours while his mamas went to the Suns game. Overall, I'd say it went very well. Minimal fussing, he played with us in his bouncy seat for over an hour, he ate all 6oz of his dinner... Everyone tells us the first 2 months are hell, but if Shanni and I survive that I think we'll be pretty good at this mothering thing.
I finally got brave enough to play with my new camera Friday. It's so super cool, and I am not familiar with 1/10 of what it's capable of doing yet, but I printed this handy cheat sheet from Creating Keepsakes magazine and took some shots out in the yard. They're pretty damn sharp - I'm thrilled.
But the best one are the no-snow man. Twopeas has been bombarded lately with all these serene, tranquil layouts of snowscapes or playful photos of kids frolicking in drifts and banks and building comical snowmen. Well, it was 71 and sunny here in good ole Az today, and it's been hovering right around there for days. Gorgeous to some, maybe, but pretty a-wintery by average standards. I can't take pics of newfallen snow or us constructing a Frosty of our own. So Shannon and I improvised, in her silly way...

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